June 1, 2019
Fee: Morning session only, 2 hours, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm $40
Full day: 4 hours, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm , ½ hour break , 12:30 – 2:30 pm $75
The Irving Art Association at Jaycee Park will host Donna Chambers, pastelist, for a one-day workshop open to all artists who love working in pastels and who would like to improve their skill with pastels. The focus of this workshop will be on individual help and application. The workshop will cover pastel techniques for solving application issues an artist may be having. Each artist should bring in a reference photo that they would like to reproduce artistically. Donna will help artists crop and design their reference materials, use values to enhance their painting and other issues the artists may have. Questions are encouraged.
REGISTER NOW: Registration form and online payment by PayPal
For more information, contact the instructor at [email protected].

About the instructor: Donna Chambers
Donna is a member of the Pastel Society of the Southwest, in Dallas, Texas. Her pastels have been in juried shows throughout Michigan, Indiana and Texas. Texas juried shows include the Richardson Civic Show 2017 and the Frisco “Arts in the Atrium” shows in 2016, 17, 18 and 19. The PSSW member show in Grapevine hung her paintings in 2016, 17 and 18. The Keller, TX show 2018, displayed mix media paintings of Acrylic Ink and Pastel and Pastel paintings. In addition, her pastels are currently shown at the Wylie Art Gallery, Wylie TX. and the Art Gallery at Filtered, a neighborhood coffee shop in McKinney, TX where she curates the art gallery. Most recently, three of her pastels were displayed in the “God’s Abounding Love” show at the ArtReach Gallery located in the Lovers Lane United Methodist Church, Dallas, TX. She has taught private and small group art lessons in pastel, oil and acrylic painting, and welcomes new students.

Previous to her move to Texas, Donna was a practicing psychologist and hypnotherapist in St. Joseph, Michigan. She feels that art is the window to the inner life of people. She has utilized art to help children, teens and adults verbalize their emotions. Art is a non-complex way to access the emotional life, and a creative expression of deep, inner emotions. It brings satisfaction and healing to those who utilize the creativity within themselves. Whether one is an artist or an art lover, art quietly enhances our daily lives with color, perspective, and joy.

Supplies needed:
You will need to bring the following items with you.
Reference photos: The best reference photo is one without a lot of detail. Bring one copy of the photo in color and one in black and white. Values are important and we will have a brief talk on finding the values in your reference and translating them into color.
Pastels: A small box of pastels, Muygos, Michaels, Hobby Lobby brand are fine for introducing pastels to your artistic portfolio. Once you know what textures you prefer, you can upgrade.
Back board: Form core is a lightweight “board” to tape paper on. Best size is ½ of a 20 x 30 cut to 15 x 20 black or white.
Tape: Masking tape. Sticky enough to hold paper on form core
Paper: I will have a small supply of pastel papers available. 9 x 12, 11 x 14 or 12 x 16 paper.
Travel Easel: Pastels are painted in an upright position, so the “dust” falls off the painting
Glycine paper: Covers your pastel when transporting or storing it without smudging. I will have some with me to share with you
Paper towels and Wet wipes and “Gloves in a Bottle” lotion to easily wash pastel from hands