14th Annual TAC Juried Exhibit
August 2 – August 21, 2019
RECEPTION: Friday, August 2, 2019 @ 6 PM – 9 PM
Active Texas Artists Coalition members were invited to submit artworks for this juried exhibition. The call was open to all disciplines with no theme. All mediums were accepted including oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolors, prints, drawings, mixed media, sculpture, video, installation, photography, and digital art with no size restrictions. This year we are proud to announce Margery Gossett of ArtSpace111 as the juror for this exhibition.
Fort Worth Community Arts Center
1300 Gendy St, Fort Worth, TX
Selected Artists:
Brian R. Amrhein
Daniel Anguiano
Brenda Brannon
Dallas Broekhuizen
Cynthia Coldren
Ron Taylor Crouch
Ariel Davis
Humberto DeGarrio
Jack Eidson, Jr.
Janavi M. Folmsbee
Mckee Frazior
Curtis Frederick
Gregg Froman
Doug Fudge
Aubrey Guthrie II
Amy Hatley
Carol Hayman
Thomas Helmick
Juan Hernandez
John Irizarry
Matt Kaplinsky
Barbara Koerble
Marie Maines
Donald Matheson
Diane McKenna
Gwen Meharg
Rose Marie Mercado
Richard Miller
Lisa Morgan
Sarah A. Murphy
Gwen Pryor
Bree Smith
Rick Steinburg
Elise Techentine
Chet Urban
Millie Watters