Support local artists and crafters!
Support DFW artists and crafters in your neighborhood by buying nearby! Did you know ETSY has a shop local geographic feature?
For an article on tips on shopping at Etsy, click here. You can limit your ETSY search results by using the local items filter: on the left side of the search results page, you will see a list of filters, including one for custom location.

For a visual map of local events and brick & mortar sellers use https://www.etsy.com/local (note that using this requires that you be signed into your account)
You can also save shipping costs by picking up your purchases locally instead of having them shipped.
Note: You can find DFW memorabilia here: https://www.etsy.com/market/dallas_fort_worth
You can also identify local crafters through their membership in ETSY DALLAS (subscribe to their free newsletter.) Etsy Dallas hosts seasonal art markets: Jingle Bash and Spring Bash.