Saturday, April 18th 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
@ Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr., Irving TX 75061 – sponsored by the Irving Art Association
Instructor Junanne Peck
Reduce – to use less
Reuse – to put again into service without changing
Recycle – to put into service with changing
The goal of this workshop is to use art to inspire artist to recycle more and conserve natural resources.
Paintings and Assemblages on pre-existing Surfaces will be a workshop
that celebrates the transcendent, innovative and experimental works of Art. We will work with paintings, Collages, assemblages, junk, dumpster trash, found objects, fashion, cardboard and anything else our society has deemed no longer useful.
Recycled art and design encourages creativity in others— it’s alchemical, magical, subversive, and transformative by nature. Through the use of these discarded materials we attempt to not only recycle but also make a comment on our rampant “throw-away” society.

Fee: $65.00
RSVP and pay by April 11, 2020 to reserve your place
Mail your check to:
Junanne Peck
P.O.Box 8786
Fort Worth, TX 76124
Phone: 214-336-8526
Email : [email protected]
Once you have registered you will be emailed a list of things to collect..objects…ideas….