UPDATE: Because of coronvirus restrictions, Dallas neighborhood cultural centers are closed as of March 14. Check with the City of Dallas for updates.
Four cultural centers of the City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture (OAC), Latino Cultural Center, Moody Performance Hall, Oak Cliff Cultural Center, and South Dallas Cultural Center, will present the 3rd annual ART214 Juried Exhibition, a multi-venue visual arts project that showcases the works of artists who live in Dallas and the greater North Texas region from late March to early June, 2020.
For more information about the exhibits see http://art214.dallasculture.org
2520 Flora Street, Dallas, Texas 75201
Exhibition Dates: March 26-May 2, 2020
Reception: Thursday, March 26, 2020 (7:30-9 PM)
3400 S Fitzhugh Ave, Dallas, TX 75210
Exhibition Dates: April 4-May 30, 2020
Reception: Saturday, April 4, 2020 (6-8 PM)
223 W Jefferson Blvd, Dallas, TX 75208
Exhibition Dates: April 25-May 29, 2020
Reception: Saturday, April 25, 2020 (5:30-8 PM)
2600 Live Oak St, Dallas, TX 75204
Exhibition Dates: April 30-May 30, 2020
Reception: Thursday, April 30, 2020 (6-8 PM)
The Bath House Cultural Center, a regular venue of ART214, will not participate in the 2020 exhibition due to building renovations.
Through this exhibition, OCA hopes to discover and develop relationships with new artists, provide opportunities for artists to exhibit their work for the first time in one of our cultural centers or for the first time ever, and give artists who have previously exhibited at one cultural center an opportunity to show their work at a different center.
This collaborative project will also draw in new audiences who have never been to (or even heard of) our cultural centers, resulting in a cross pollination of audiences who frequent a specific center but have never experienced the others.
ART214 is part of Dallas Arts Month, a city-wide celebration of Dallas arts that was first launched by Mayor Mike Rawlings in 2013. Arts Month is designed to build awareness for and appreciation of the work of Dallas artists and organizations and foster creative learning and activity throughout the city. Residents and visitors are encouraged to participate in the events and programming offered by arts and cultural institutions from all disciplines.