Application Deadline: May 20, 2020 11:59 PM NextGen 7.0 is calling all DMV aspiring artists.
VisArts welcomes artists ages 17 – 27 in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area to submit their application for NextGen 7.0. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, this iteration of Next Gen will be held in an online gallery from June 10 – August 9, 2020. This will present a unique opportunity for aspiring artists with little to no experience to exhibit their work in a professional online gallery.
*Keep in mind, with this being an online exhibition your work will be fully represented through images or video. The digital material you submit is what will be used for the show if you are accepted, so make sure your image/video quality is top notch!
VisArts is a non-profit organization whose mission is to transform individuals and communities through the visual arts. VisArts provides children, teens and adults with opportunities to express their creativity and enhance their awareness of the arts.
Online applications are due by May 20, 2020, 11:59 pm. Please keep in mind that submission does not guarantee acceptance. Applicants should have little or no experience exhibiting in a professional gallery. Previous NextGen participants are ineligible. Previous NextGen applicants who were not selected may re-apply for this year’s exhibition.
After reviewing all works, selected artists will be notified by May 28.
All submissions will be juried by professional artists and curators (names to be announced).
Keep in mind that in order to be accepted into the exhibition, you are expected to submit high quality images (at least 300 DPI) of your accepted artwork to the gallery by May 20, by 11:59 PM. Artwork will not be accepted after this available date.
Application Deadline: Friday, May 20, 2020, 11:59 PM
Required Application Materials: – Application Form – High Res images with captions, for up to 5 works of art – Film and video pieces are welcome: 2 minutes of video, film, sound or performance documentation = one work. Up to 10 minutes total. Videos must be in .mp4 or .mov file format. – Images must be in .jpg, .tiff, .png, or .gif file format. Minimum image resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. – Artist Statement (250 Word Maximum) – Artist Bio (150 Word Maximum) – Resume/ CV – Application Fee ($5.00) – online application will require payment by credit card or PayPal. Financial assistance available upon a need basis. Contact [email protected] for more information.
It can be intimidating to create an artist résumé with little or no experience, but a great résumé is one that is clear, organized and simple. Experiences you can include may be from exhibiting in student art shows, to assisting at camps or even teaching. Here are a great number of resources to help you create a competitive application and to develop your professional practices as an artist: Artist statement and artist biography https://www.mica.edu/Documents/Career Services/ArtistStatementBio11.pdf Artist Résumé http://www.collegeart.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines/resume Curriculum Vitae (CV) http://www.collegeart.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines/visual-art-cv For information on Exhibition and Sale of Artwork http://www.collegeart.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines/practices Guidelines for presenting works in digital format http://www.collegeart.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines/digital-format Submission Guidelines: – Apply Online : Complete the online application through submittable.com – Questions: Please send any questions via email with “VisArts NextGen 7.0 Open Call” in the subject line to Frank McCauley, Exhibitions Coordinator, at [email protected]
Application Fee: $5.00 Apply now!