On Wednesday, May 6th at 7 pm, we will have our VAST monthly meeting via Zoom. Zoom is a way to communicate using your phone or computer to communicate with others on their computer. Stephen Zhang will be presenting information on watercolor landscapes.
First you will need to download the Zoom app at this url: https://zoom.us/download (which is free by the way). Make sure you do this before the meeting starts so you don’t have to worry about getting it downloaded the day of the meeting.
Once the app is downloaded it will look like a small blue video camera on your computer or phone.
How to Pre-Check Your System:
Click this link to automatically check your internet connection, audio and video: http://zoom.us/test.
A Great Beginner’s Guide to Zoom:
Click the meeting link you received in your email and follow the prompts, OR
1. Click on the Zoom icon
2. The Zoom app will open and will ask if you want to join a meeting. Click or hit “Join a Meeting”
3. Once you click or hit join a meeting, you will go to a page that has a place to enter the meeting ID.
4. Enter your meeting ID you received in the email and click or hit join. You will then be in the meeting. Make sure that your video camera is on and your audio is muted during the presentation.
If you have a question you would like to ask Stephen, type it in the chat box (to open the chat box, wand over the bottom of your screen with the mouse and click on the Chat icon). There will also be a question and answer period at the end of the presentation.
This presentation is free for VAST Members and $5 for non-member guests. Current VAST members will receive a meeting link via email. Guests wishing to view the presentation should contact [email protected].
BIO: Born in China, Stephen Zhang graduated from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts and later received his MFA from UNT. Stephen has been painting in watercolor for over 30 years under the tutelage of his father Defu Zhang and the late Professor Rob Erdle.
Stephen’s work has been awarded by Signature American Watermedia International Exhibition, Watermedia Showcase, Watercolor USA, and Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Watercolor West, Splash, Art Olympia (Japan), and Chinese National Art Exhibition. He has been featured in American Art Collector, International Artist, Watercolor Artist, the Art of Watercolor. and Pratique Des Arts.
To see more about Stephen Zhang’s art, see: https://www.stephenzhangart.com/