Online & In-person Classes
& Legacies III Updates

Copperplate Basics Online
JUNE 15, 2020 Copperplate Foundations with Younghae Chung Left-Handed Calligrapher! |
A comprehensive 9-week course to walk you through all the basics of
learning this gorgeous and widely popular traditional script!
Learn more and Register Here |
Lockdown Letterheads EYE CANDY & AUCTION (ends 6-14-2020) |
If you missed this 24 hr. online lettering marathon, there is still time to feast your eyes on the Better Letters Instagram for artwork and auction items created by many lettering artists including Carl Rohrs, Pieter Snijders Alfredo Sannoner, Chiara Riva, Guatavo Ferari, Dave Fraser, Nick Visoli, Noel Weber, Em Williams benefiting many causes! Lettering workshops are scheduled from July through November with Mike Meyer, Learn abound support the Lettering Arts! Lockdown Letterheads Auction |
Thinking of Teaching Online?
This three-hour workshop is designed to help experienced teachers of lettering arts navigate the live, online learning environment, and how to understand Zoom as a classroom, rather than just a meeting space. Taught by professional calligrapher and lettering instructor, Cora Pearl. Sign up now for Early Bird Savings! |

Lettering Back-to-Basics 4 Session Class |
For those new to the field of Sketchnoting, this series is a great way to get familiar with the tools we use as professional visual practitioners. For seasoned lettering artists and calligraphers, this is all about getting back to the basics. This is an ongoing class with live sessions and recordings. You may join anytime. The learning never ends! Join in the Fun of Lettering Back-to-Basics! |

39th International Lettering Arts Conference
Legacies III • July 3-10, 2021 • Dallas, Texas
Interested in teaching in person or
virtually at Legacies III?
The deadline to apply to teach at Legacies III has been extended to JULY 30, 2020 – LINK TO PROPOSAL FORM HERE The Covid-19 pandemic has unfolded in a way that none of us could have imagined and therefore has delayed early bird registration. | Visit www.calligraphyconference.org to get conference news, tutorials and updates in your email box. |
WAYS TO TEACH AT LEGACIES 2.5 or 5-day In-Person Classes In-Person & Online Opportunities: Break-Out Mini classes (90 minutes or 3 hours in length). Tune-up classes designed to be a refresher-type of class lasting 6 hours. Evening presentations (up to one hour) and Demonstrations (20 to 40 minutes). The proposal deadline for Break-Out Minis, Tune-Up classes, evening presentations and demonstrations is DECEMBER 31, 2020. PROPOSAL FOR |
Texas Lettering Arts Council | P.O. Box 3126, Coppell, TX 75019 http://txlac.org/