We are reopening Friday, September 18!
We look forward to welcoming you back safely to the Crow Museum of Asian Art of The University of Texas at Dallas. Please find our updated safety protocols to ensure a safe and welcoming visit.
Crow Museum of Asian Art, 2010 Flora St., Dallas, TX 75201
Hours of Operation
The Museum will be opening with the following operating hours: Friday through Sunday, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. As always, the Museum is free to the public.
Face Coverings Required
In accordance with Dallas County and CDC guidelines, all staff and visitors must wear face coverings while inside the Museum. For visitors who may have forgotten theirs, face masks are available at the entrance.
Social Distancing in Effect
The Museum will be operating at a reduced maximum occupancy rate. We ask that visitors must follow recommended guidelines of maintaining 6 feet apart between guests and other groups. Signage is displayed throughout the galleries and at the elevator as a reminder.
Hand Sanitizer and Cleaning Protocols
Hand sanitizer will be available for guests throughout the galleries. Additionally, Museum staff will be practicing heightened cleaning procedures throughout the day.
On View
Beili Liu: One And Another (extended through January 3, 2021)
Immortal Landscapes; Objects from the Jade Collection
The Art of Lacquer