Texas Artist Coaltion’s September newsletter is full of artist opportunities for you! It also features Gwen Meharg, a Fort Worth artist who will be taking over TAC’s Instagram page later this month! Be sure to follow TAC on Instagram @TexasArtistsCoalition! Fort Worth Art Dealers Association has extended Fall Gallery Night to Fall Gallery Week! The Fort Worth Community Arts Center will be open extended nights Thursday, September 12 and Saturday September 19, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Benefits of Membership Annual Members’ Juried Exhibition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center Additional exhibition opportunities exclusively for Texas Artist Coalition members Discounted entry fee to workshops and events sponsored by the Arts Center $5 parking for all events at Arts Center Monthly dedicated newsletter A dedicated website and social media accounts |
The Texas Artists Coalition is a membership-driven program whose mission is to support the career development of emerging and established artists in North Texas. The Texas Artists Coalition is a program of the Fort Worth Community Arts Center and is supported by the Arts Council of Fort Worth and the Texas Commission on the Arts.
Fort Worth Community Arts Center | 1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76107 | (817) 738-1938 DONATE | VISIT OUR WEBSITE

Americans for the Arts Action Fund has launched its ArtsVote “Make Your Vote Count” pledge campaign to help inform and mobilize artists and arts advocates to make their vote count in an election year when substantial changes have been made to the voting system in their states due to COVID-19. As a supporter of the arts, you know they create connection, community, belonging, and joy, and most of all, the arts create hope. The Fort Worth Community Arts Center will be hosting a voter registration drive during Fall Gallery Week. Certified Voter Registrars will be on-hand during Thursday, September 17 and Saturday, September 19 from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. to assist unregistered voters with registration. We make it easy! Just fill out the provided paperwork and the state-appointed registrars will make sure it is filed! ArtsVote also has a website that includes voting guides for each state. (You can read Texas’ voting guidelines here.) |

The Exhibition Advisory Panel (EAP) of the Fort Worth Community Arts Center is seeking exhibition proposals from artists and curators for all art forms for our 2021 season with the mission to exhibit contemporary art with a focus on regional artists in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. We are looking for artist submissions for solo shows and curated proposals for group exhibitions of professional level, innovative art. The Solo and Curatorial Call is one of the Arts Center’s best opportunities for artists. Many of our most successful shows through out the year were submitted through SoCur, including this month’s Our Faces, Our Voices. Curators Raymond Wyatt said, “SoCur gave us an opportunity to create a show that we would have not be able to do in a for-profit gallery.” The deadline for this opportunity is Sunday, October 4, 2020. |
Arts Center’s Art Shop
Open The Fort Worth Community Arts Center is now accepting submissions for works to be sold in the ARTshop on a consignment basis. Pieces accepted will remain in the ARTshop for 3 months with an option to extend the time based on sales. There are no limitations in what can be submitted but we favor smaller pieces since the space is small.
Texas Artist Coalition Featured Artist
Open The Texas Artist Coalition Featured Artist is featured on the TAC website and in the newsletter. The featured artist also has the opportunity to “take-over” the TAC Instagram account. This is a great opportunity to promote yourself, an exhibition, or event. Interested? Email here!