39th International Lettering Arts Conference Legacies III • July 3-10, 2021 • Dallas, Texas |
Thank you to those who have submitted teaching proposals for Legacies III. Conference plans may include a Virtual component to the Legacies experience. Watch for our emails for up-to-date information. Our November email will contain more information! | Visit www.calligraphyconference.org to get conference news, tutorials and updates in your email box. |
WAYS TO TEACH AT LEGACIES 2.5 or 5-day In-Person Classes In-Person & Online Opportunities: Break-Out Mini classes (90 minutes or 3 hours in length). Tune-up classes designed to be a refresher-type of class lasting 6 hours. Evening presentations (up to one hour) and Demonstrations (20 to 40 minutes). The proposal deadline for Break-Out Minis, Tune-Up classes, evening presentations and demonstrations is DECEMBER 31, 2020. PROPOSAL FORM |
Texas Lettering Arts Council | P.O. Box 3126, Coppell, TX 75019
Angie Vangalis <[email protected]>