In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the Irving Art Association is hosting an online program devoted to Hispanic Art and Artists.
Latinx artists in the Dallas-Fort Worth area are invited to participate in this free Zoom Panel Discussion. IAA members are also invited.
Monday, October 12, 2020 7-9pm FREE
Join via Zoom
Moderator Jose Angel Hernandez
Jose Angel Hernandez was born in Puerto Rico and raised in the Northeast of the United States. Hernandez earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and has spent most of his adult life in Corporate America as a trainer and consultant in the automotive industry. It was not until his midlife, at the turn of the 20th century, that he developed a passion for the arts. Hernandez is a self-taught artist and started his art career in Los Angeles, CA. and currently resides in the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, TX. Hernandez is best known for 3D Mixed Media Art. Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.facebook.com/wordsandcolorsJoseAngelHernandez/
Panel Members:
Frankie Garcia III
Artist, Curator, Promoter & Influencer in the downtown Dallas art scene
More to come!
Some discussion topics
Identity as a Latino/a artist. Why or why not?
As a Latino Artist how you interact with the large DFW Cultural Arts?
Barriers to getting your art seen?
What recommendations would you have to help the Latino artist community in the DFW area?
IAA Cultural Art Panel Discussion Series
The Irving Art Association (IAA) has created programs that are inclusive of all the cultures and communities in the Irving/DFW area. With this event, IAA is beginning a series of online discussion panels on art issues relevant to different cultural groups in the area. The free panels will be hosted online using Zoom.
Future art panels in the online series will highlight Native Americans, Indian/South Asian, Persian Art, Black History, and more. Dates TBA. For more information, contact Michele Quarton at development@irvingartassociation. To receive announcements, subscribe to IAA Updates.
Irving is a multicultural Texas city of a quarter million in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. It contains one of the most diverse zip codes in the nation (75038).