Saturday, February 6th 9 AM – 4 PM
Make this Valentine’s Day memorable with an original work of art for that special someone in your life. By the end of the workshop, you will have completed a 12” by 12” work of art on a wood panel with a personalized (love, Friendship…) message for a special person in your life. Materials and supplies will be included in the workshop fee, but you are welcome to bring your favorite medium. If you are an art aficionado, art students or just simply in love, this workshop is for you. To facilitate the drawing and composition of your artwork, some templates will be available. Bilingual (English and Spanish) assistance will be provided throughout the workshop. Come have fun and create some memorable art.
To register email the instructor at: [email protected]. Maximum capacity is 10 students.
The cost of the workshop is $35 per person and includes instructor fee and materials. Payment will be collected at the time of the workshop but you must register beforehand.

Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr. Irving TX 75061
Sponsored by the Irving Art Association.
Note: Construction on Puritan Dr. is blocking routes from the west — see Directions for alternate routes throughout 2020-21.
Classes & workshops are conducted in a Safe environment – We will be observing quarantine measures such as wearing masks, social distancing, and anti-infection procedures. Registration will be required for our art activities, and class size will be limited to 10 people. No drop-ins.
Cost: $35 all materials included
REGISTER and bring payment to the workshop – contact the instructor
Instructor : Jose Angel Hernandez
[email protected]