Call Type: Public Art
Eligibility: Regional
State: Texas
Fee: $15.00 (Old Town Art Stroll Entry Fee)
Entry Deadline: 4/19/21
Event Dates: 3/15/21 – 4/8/21
Number of Applications Allowed: 3
Deadline Extended
Coppell Arts Council (CAC) is proud to announce a call for entries for Old Town Art Stroll, a biennial outdoor public art exhibit. CAC will select 10-12 sculptures to be exhibited for a 2-year period. Coppell is a family friendly, community centric town. Andy Brown has recently been renovated and the city is utilizing this new area for community wide events and festivals. The location promises great exposure for the artist. In addition to this the Coppell Arts Council will host a Meet the Artist event and promote the exhibit throughout the DFW region. Citizen’s will vote for their favorite sculpture and CAC will consider purchasing a sculpture from the Old Town and Andy Brown exhibits. Selected artists will be provided a stipend of $1800 for the exhibit and winner of the People’s Choice will receive an additional $500.
CAC has purchased four sculptures from previous events.
Old Town Art Stroll call for sculpture (Coppell)