With North Texas starting to open up and work-from-home employees gradually returning to the workplace, there’s a need for green. Specifically, live plants that weren’t rescued a year ago are long-dead, artificial plants are terminally dusty, and the replacements are the same generic houseplants found everywhere. The Texas Triffid Ranch, Dallas’s pretty much only carnivorous plant gallery, wants to challenge that, beginning with a contest giveaway of three unique Nepenthes pitcher plant enclosures by the end of April. Employees of workplaces seeking something absolutely different in floral decoration can submit why their place of work deserves a Triffid Ranch original, and the best ten entries will be open to a general vote starting on April 21, with ballot box stuffing encouraged. For more information and contest rules, please review all of the particulars at https://texastriffidranch.com/2021/04/06/contest-win-a-unique-triffid-ranch-enclosure-for-your-workplace/

Established in 2015, the Texas Triffid Ranch celebrates its fourth year in its current location in Richardson, Texas this year. Specializing in unique carnivorous plant enclosures, the Triffid Ranch offers a combination of artistic backdrops and cases and uncommon and unorthodox plants therein. For more information, please visit http://www.texastriffidranch.com.