For more information see the DAFA website at https://www.dallasfiberartists.org – FB https://www.facebook.com/DallasFiberArTists
Slow, Slow, Stitch, Stitch Slow Workshop on Saturday, October 24, 2021
Angela Daymond’s Slow, Slow, Stitch, Stitch Slow workshop.
Angela’s workshop is scheduled for Saturday, October 16th from 9:00am-12:00pm. Workshop will be limited to 15 participants, cost is $25.00.
Registration will be through Eventbrite and the link will be included in the DAFA September newsletter along with materials list for the workshop.
Link to EventBrite to come.
About the Workshop
In this workshop you will combine different textures and colours of fabrics to create a background ready for stitching. This workshop is all about learning how therapeutic and relaxing hand stitching can be whilst creating your very own masterpiece.
You will combine traditional Kantha stitching alongside Japanese boro stitch with a sprinkling of embroidery stitches thrown into the mix. The combinations that cottons, silks and linens with varying thicknesses of threads will give endless design possibilities. You will be sent a pattern sheet to use which will include one of Angela’s iconic hares but you can of course follow your own ideas.

About Angela
Based in the United Kingdom, Angela is a textile artist and teacher who specializes in kantha stitching and natural dyeing. I love the simplicity of kantha work that you can take needle, thread and fabric, and combine with just one stitch, the running stitch, to create abstract and representational images with lots of texture.
She has had her work exhibited on a number of occasions including at Lincoln Cathedral, Sam Scorer Gallery, The Carre Gallery in Sleaford, Tranmer House in Sutton Hoo and the Yarrow Gallery in Oundle. She has also had a number of articles on natural dyeing and stitched projects published in national craft magazines
November 23, 2020 Mini Workshop Make a Folded Mini Book led by April Soncrant
Download instructions to Make a Folded Mini Book here