MONTHLY MEETINGS:3rd Monday of each month
- 6 to 7:00pm – Artwork Critique’s w/ Ann Winchester
- 7-7:15pm – General meeting with announcements and introductions of newcomers
- 7:15pm – Introduction of guest artist and demonstration begins
- 8:00pm – Break for refreshments and view and vote on “Painting of the Month”
- 8:15 – Guest artist continues demo
- 8:45 – “Painting of the Month” winners are announced
All SWA meetings are held at
The University of North Texas Health Science Center – Everett Hall
3500 Camp Bowie Blvd. Fort Worth, Texas
(Across from the Amon Carter Museum)
To see a map to the meeting location, click here.
About the artist:
Laurin McCracken combines many of the skills he learned as an architect with his experiences of studying art history, drawing, taking photographs and visiting many of the world’s leading museums to use as a watercolorist.
Born in Meridian, Mississippi, he studied at Auburn University and holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Architecture from Rice University and a Masters in Architecture and Urban Planning from Princeton University. He currently lives and paints in Fort Worth, Texas.
He is a signature member of more than a dozen watercolor societies including the American Watercolor Society, National Watercolor Society, Transparent Watercolor Society of America, Southern Watercolor Society, Watercolor West, and Watercolor USA Honor Society. He is an Elected Member of the Allied Artists of America in their Watermedia Category.