Welcome to IAA’s spookiest rendition of our traditional fall show! Our theme is, of course, Autumn in all its glory as well as anything related to Halloween and the Day of the Dead. 22 artists from our membership and the community are participating:
- Asim Amjad
- Mickey Bell
- PiperCobb
- Ryan Cockerham
- Richard Fontt
- Madeline Grant
- Lucas Hamilton
- Karen Helms
- Carmelita Jalapa
- Lynda Koshy
- Sandy Kulkarni
- Brenda Mattioli
- Alexandre Ocone
- Elizabeth Perez
- Victoria Robinson
- R.E.T. Salazar
- Frank Stangel
- Lisa Stavinoha
- Amin Tejani
- Jackson Wassermann
- Tracy Whiteside
- Aishwarya Yeraval
Haunted Gallery Masked Costume Party

We are celebrating the season with a party! Family and friends of artists and members are also welcome. Wear a mask or a costume or both.
Since this also serves as the closing reception for the Haunted Gallery Show, artists may pick up their work after the party or on the strike day (Sat. Oct. 29th 1-4 pm).
To view an online gallery of the show, go to https://irvingartassociation.org/haunted-gallery-exhibit-and-oct-28-masked-costume-party/