Thursday DAY class: May 24 – June 28th, 1-4pm (5-weeks)
Contact me if you are interested in registering for the THU class: [email protected].
Location: The Mix, near Dallas Arboretum,
9125 Diceman Dr, Dallas, Texas 75218 Show Map
Class Registration Fee: $300. Supply fee of $25 total fee: $325. for the 5 weeks if paid via paypal the fee is $332. Check payments goes to home address on CoolAIR dr. and holds you place in the class.
Class Description
We’ve had so much fun this year and there is always more to the process of making art… students will learn how to develop and work from concepts including, text, imagery, and symbolism. WE will work with professional grade acrylic archival medium paints, and learn how to make enlarged images on paper. During class time students will learn to create and plan for a work of art with a selected themes. Minimal supplies for the class are provided and there is a list of supplies given once registration/payment of class is done. Students should come ready to work the first day of class with all materiels.
A list of supplies for class will be provided after registration.